As soon as there is a list of the 'Twelve Deadly Forces' which is usually generated by people like you and me, then everyone tries to figure out how to destroy it. One thing that we don't understand is how to push back against such a list. However, some people have proven to have been a factor to turn the tables on the forces of good and against the forces of evil.
The person who might have had the most impact of all is the one who is at Michigan State University. His name is Matthew Klein. His research at the department of electronics and telecommunications could have a very long term impact on mobile phone designs and architectures. With significant influence from Matthew Klein's research, there is a possibility that what we now call the 'mobile phone' will be an evolution of what is currently being used. Besides, they might be able to create a whole new category of mobile phones, which we may call the digital 'PC'personal computer'. Therefore, this will allow you to be able to use mobile phones for your work at home.
It has already been claimed in articles by some other people that I read. But, to date, nothing like Matthew Klein's research has been demonstrated and tested by anyone. He had an understanding of mobile phone apps, which is only one part of mobile phones and the technology behind it. I believe that if Matthew Klein has successfully launched this design of the mobile phone, then mobile phone manufacturers can figure out the idea of running on a digital 'PC'. With this in mind, mobile phone manufacturers are also able to create apps on top of this new platform. That would be why this piece of research has probably had an impact on what mobile phone designs are going to come to be.
How it will go in 2020?
By designing mobile phones on top of the existing platform, it allows companies to use the current chipset and use the existing UI, which is available. It is a significant advantage over creating new products, which always takes up a lot of resources to produce. It also allows them to expand the mobile phone market, which would be a win-win for all concerned.
The thing that disturbs me is that this change is pronounced when you compare mobile phone designs of present-day with the mobile phone designs of the future. That's why I believe that mobile phone manufacturers won't have a choice but to produce these types of devices.
In other words, the trend will be for larger screen phones to run on digital PC and applications, and smaller screen phones to be smaller versions of personal computers. That would mean that the mobile phone market will shift away from traditional handsets and towards devices that are smaller and sleeker.
But, if you compare mobile phone designs from today with the mobile phone designs of tomorrow, it is challenging to say which kind of device will win. I think that what you are going to see is even smaller and sleeker mobile phone devices that will be able to run with a lot of the technological infrastructure. Of course, because of the very nature of the future, the only way to determine the future mobile phone designs is to see how mobile phone technologies are evolving. That is the only way that we can change the curse of mobile phones.
For a mobile phone to survive and stay ahead of the competition, mobile phone manufacturers have to understand that they have to keep the market hungry for better and faster phones. Of course, this would mean that they have to develop a few new concepts that could prove to be successful.
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