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Showing posts with the label tester

Mobile App Testing Strategies That Apppentus Follows

With the growing industry of  Mobile App Development , the competition among the companies is also getting high and they are seeking to provide an error-free development solution that can deliver efficient performance. Mobile app QA testing is one of the strategies that most of the app development companies are using. QA determines Quality Assurance, in which a team of testers will execute codes based on the test cases to ensure the functionality of the app to find any kind of bugs or error. Hence we have discussed below the mobile app testing strategies followed by appentus technologies. Most used Mobile Application Testing Techniques : Manual Testing:  This process is carried out by a QA professional who performs all the tests manually to identify any error in the software development process. The tester will make use of all the features and functionalities of the app to check if everything is executing efficiently or not. This Mobile Application Testing Techn...